The #1 Cost Effective Anti Piracy Solution

The Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) stands out as the #1 cost-effective solution for anti-piracy due to its combination of high efficacy and low operational costs. LRADs effectively deter potential pirate attacks through their ability to project clear, directional audio warnings over long distances, ensuring that threats can be managed safely and efficiently from afar. This capability reduces the need for close physical confrontations and minimizes the risk of escalation into violence, thereby avoiding the heavy financial and legal implications associated with armed security measures. Furthermore, the one-time installation and relatively low maintenance costs of LRADs offer a significant return on investment by preventing costly piracy incidents, making them an economically sensible choice for enhancing maritime security.

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Why does it work?

LRADs can generate sound levels of up to 150 decibels or more at the source. To put this into perspective, this level of sound intensity is akin to standing near a jet engine during takeoff. Even at several hundred meters away, the sound produced by an LRAD remains painfully loud. This intense auditory experience is highly discomforting and can be physically unbearable, causing immediate pain and disorientation to those within its direct path.

Directional Audio

Unlike conventional speakers that disperse sound more broadly, LRADs emit sound in a tightly focused beam. This means the operator can target the sound specifically at an approaching pirate vessel without affecting the crew on board the ship or any other nearby vessels that are not threats. The ability to pinpoint the sound maximizes the discomfort for the targeted individuals while minimizing collateral disturbance.

Psychological Discomfort

Beyond the physical discomfort caused by the loud, piercing sound, there is also a significant psychological impact. Being targeted by an LRAD can be a confusing and frightening experience for pirates. The sudden onset of overwhelming noise disrupts their ability to communicate with each other and coordinate their actions, leading to confusion and fear. This psychological discomfort is compounded by the realization that they have been distinctly spotted and targeted, which can lead to a reassessment of the risks involved in continuing their attack.

Non-Lethal Yet Forceful

LRADs are designed to be non-lethal, which means they do not cause permanent harm when used properly. However, the temporary but intense discomfort is enough to be a strong deterrent. Pirates are aware that their continued approach will only prolong the unpleasant experience, and without the ability to counter this type of defense effectively, withdrawal often becomes the most appealing option.

Forced Decision-Making

Under the duress of an LRAD’s emission, pirates must quickly decide whether to continue their approach or retreat. Given the intensity of the acoustic deterrent and its impact on their sensory and cognitive functions, retreating often becomes the only viable option to escape the discomfort.

Communication and Warning

The primary function of an LRAD is to serve as an advanced audio communication system. When pirates are detected approaching a vessel, operators can use the LRAD to issue clear and authoritative commands or warnings directly to the approaching boat. The ability to communicate specifically to the pirate vessel from kilometers away allows for warnings that are both safe and unambiguous.

Operators can issue commands such as “Stop your approach and turn away immediately” in multiple languages or deliver a stern warning about the legal consequences of continuing their approach. This immediate communication can often be enough to deter pirates who realize that their presence has been detected and their intentions understood, significantly increasing the risk of confrontation and capture for them.

Visual Deterrence

Often, the mere presence of an LRAD, visible on a ship’s structure, acts as a deterrent. Pirates who recognize the device may choose to avoid engaging with a ship equipped with such advanced defense technology, knowing that their approach will be detected and countered effectively.

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LRAD Key Benefits

  1. Effective Deterrence: LRADs can project both voice commands and warning tones over long distances with great clarity, making them effective at deterring pirates before they come close enough to pose a serious threat. This proactive approach can prevent attempts at boarding and hijacking.
  2. Clear Communication: The ability to communicate clearly over long distances is crucial, especially in high-stress situations where misunderstandings can escalate into violence. LRADs ensure that warnings and instructions are understood, reducing the risk of conflict.
  3. Non-Lethal Solution: As a non-lethal technology, LRADs minimize the risk of fatal encounters and the associated legal and ethical implications. This is particularly important in international waters, where the use of force can be heavily scrutinized.
  4. Versatility: Beyond anti-piracy, LRADs can be used for a variety of purposes including communication during search and rescue operations, crowd control, and to enforce security perimeters around the vessel.
  5. Reduced Liability: Employing non-lethal methods such as LRADs reduces liability compared to using armed guards or lethal weapons. This can lead to lower insurance costs and less complicated legal situations.
  6. Ease of Integration: LRAD systems can be easily integrated into existing ship infrastructure and operated with minimal training, making them a practical addition to maritime security strategies.
  7. Cost-Effective: Compared to the ongoing costs of hiring armed security personnel, an LRAD system requires a one-time installation and minimal maintenance, providing a cost-effective long-term solution.
  8. Global Compliance: Using an LRAD helps ensure compliance with international laws and regulations regarding the use of force at sea, helping to maintain the ship’s reputation and operational permissions worldwide.

LRAD Cost Breakdown

Initial Purchase Cost

  • LRAD Units: The cost of the LRAD itself can vary widely depending on the model and its range capabilities. Basic models might start around $20,000, while more advanced models with extended range and features can cost upwards of $100,000 or more.

Installation Costs

  • Hardware Installation: Installing an LRAD on a ship involves mounting hardware and integrating the system with the ship’s existing communication or security systems. This can cost a few thousand dollars depending on the complexity of the installation and the configuration of the ship.
  • Technical Support: Some companies may charge for initial setup and configuration support by technical specialists.

Training Costs

  • Operator Training: Crew members will require training to operate the LRAD effectively. This might include how to maintain the device, how to operate it safely, and how to utilize its full range of functions. Training costs can vary, but comprehensive training programs might range from $1,000 to $5,000.

Maintenance and Upkeep

  • Routine Maintenance: Regular maintenance of an LRAD includes checking its electronic components, ensuring the software is updated, and testing the device for functionality. Maintenance costs are generally low, potentially a few hundred dollars annually if no major issues arise.
  • Repairs and Replacements: Depending on usage and exposure to harsh marine environments, parts of the LRAD may need occasional replacement. Costs will vary based on the parts and labor required.

Operational Costs

  • Power Consumption: LRADs require power, but typically they use a relatively small amount, which can often be drawn from the ship’s existing power supply without significant additional costs.

Miscellaneous Costs

  • Insurance: Having advanced security equipment like an LRAD might affect the ship’s insurance premiums, potentially leading to lower costs due to increased security measures.

Long-Term Investment

  • Return on Investment (ROI): While the initial and maintenance costs can be considerable, the ROI should be evaluated in terms of potential cost savings from avoiding piracy incidents, which can include ransom payments, cargo loss, and increased insurance premiums.

LRAD Install

1. Selection of the Appropriate LRAD Model

The first step is to choose the right LRAD model based on the ship’s specific needs. Considerations include the size of the vessel, the typical range at which threats are expected, and the operational environment. Different models offer varying ranges and features, so selecting one that matches the ship’s security requirements is crucial.

2. Procurement

Once the appropriate model is selected, the next step is to purchase the LRAD from a reliable supplier. It’s important to ensure that the supplier provides a comprehensive package that includes all necessary components such as mounting hardware, power supplies, and control interfaces.

3. Planning the Installation

  • Location: Determine the best location on the ship for the LRAD. It should provide maximum coverage and field of view, typically mounted on a high point such as the bridge wings or above the pilot house to maximize range and effectiveness.
  • Integration: Plan how the LRAD will integrate with existing communication and security systems. This might require coordination with ship engineers and IT specialists.

4. Physical Installation

  • Mounting: Install the mounting brackets or platform according to the manufacturer’s specifications. This often requires welding or bolting the mount to the deck or superstructure.
  • Securing the Device: Place the LRAD unit onto the mount and secure it firmly. It must be able to withstand marine conditions, including high winds and saltwater exposure.
  • Electrical Connection: Connect the LRAD to the ship’s power supply. Ensure that all electrical connections are properly insulated and waterproofed.

5. System Integration

  • Connectivity: Integrate the LRAD with the ship’s communication systems to allow for easy operation. This might involve configuring network settings or installing additional control panels in the ship’s bridge or security office.
  • Testing: Test the system to ensure that it can be activated quickly and function as expected. Check sound clarity, range, and directional control.

6. Training the Crew

  • Operational Training: Train key crew members on how to operate the LRAD, including how to target the acoustic beam and adjust volume settings.
  • Safety Protocols: Educate the crew about safety procedures to avoid hearing damage or other injuries when operating the LRAD.

7. Maintenance Setup

Establish a routine maintenance schedule to ensure the LRAD remains in good working condition. This includes regular checks of mechanical parts, electrical connections, and system software updates.

8. Legal and Compliance Checks

Ensure that all installations comply with international maritime laws and regulations, particularly those related to safety and security equipment.

Installation Time

The time required to order and install a Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) on a ship can vary based on several factors, including the availability of the specific LRAD model, the complexity of the installation process, and the ship’s location. Here’s a general timeline:

Ordering and Shipping

  • Ordering: Once a decision has been made on the specific LRAD model, the ordering process typically involves finalizing the purchase with a vendor. If the selected LRAD is in stock, the order can be processed relatively quickly, often within a few days. However, if the model needs to be manufactured or is backordered, it could take several weeks.
  • Shipping: The shipping duration depends on the manufacturer’s location and the ship’s location. It could range from a few days if both are relatively close and the transportation logistics are straightforward, to several weeks if international shipping and customs clearances are involved.


  • Preparation: Preparing for the installation might involve preliminary site assessments and adjustments to the ship’s structure to accommodate the LRAD. This stage can take from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the complexity of the work and the readiness of the ship.
  • Physical Installation: The actual installation of the LRAD system typically takes about 1 to 3 days. This includes mounting the device, making electrical connections, and integrating it with the ship’s existing systems.
  • Testing and Commissioning: After installation, the system needs to be thoroughly tested to ensure it functions correctly. This testing phase can take a couple of days and may involve adjustments based on initial results.

Crew Training

  • Training: Training the crew on how to operate the LRAD effectively and safely is crucial. This can typically be completed in one or two training sessions over the course of a day or two, depending on the crew’s familiarity with similar equipment and their technical capabilities.

Overall Timeline

Taking all these aspects into account, the entire process from ordering to full operational deployment of an LRAD on a ship can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months. Planning ahead and coordinating efficiently with all parties involved—vendors, ship management, engineering, and crew training personnel—can help streamline this process and reduce downtime.

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LRAD Suppliers

  1. LRAD Corporation
    • LRAD Corporation is the most well-known producer of Long Range Acoustic Devices. The company specializes in advanced mass notification and public safety communication systems. Their products are used worldwide by military, law enforcement, and commercial sectors to broadcast clear, authoritative verbal commands and alarm tones over vast distances.
  2. Genasys Inc.
    • Genasys Inc., formerly known as LRAD Corporation, offers integrated mass notification systems that combine long-range voice broadcast capabilities with advanced alerting technologies. Their solutions are used globally for emergency response and public safety purposes, ensuring critical communications during crucial situations.
  3. Ultra Electronics
    • Ultra Electronics provides a variety of defense, security, and aerospace systems, including acoustic hailing devices. Their products are designed for use in challenging environments and are widely adopted by naval, military, and commercial users for effective communication over long distances.
  4. American Technology Corporation
    • American Technology Corporation specializes in the design and manufacture of innovative sound solutions. They produce LRADs that are widely used by military and civilian agencies around the world for crowd control, mass notification, and emergency communication.
  5. HyperSpike
    • HyperSpike, a brand of Ultra Electronics, focuses on high-performance acoustic devices. Known for their clarity and long-range capabilities, HyperSpike products are utilized in a variety of security, military, and commercial applications to ensure clear and precise communication over distances.