Category: Industry Trends

Deep dives into emerging trends, analysis of market shifts, expert opinions, and forecasts. This can include topics like automation in shipping, sustainable shipping solutions, and the rise of new shipping hubs.

The Role of Emerging Markets in Maritime Shipping

The growth of emerging markets presents numerous opportunities and challenges for the maritime shipping industry. Their strategic development influences global trade patterns, necessitates port modernization,...

10 Maritime Startups to Watch in 2024

As 2024 unfolds, a new wave of maritime startups is set to transform traditional practices with cutting-edge technologies and forward-thinking solutions. These startups are tackling...

Big Improvements to Operational Efficiency in 2024

In the vast and competitive realm of maritime shipping, being efficient isn’t just about saving money—it’s about survival. Operational efficiency helps ship owners maximize their...

The Hidden World of Shipbreaking

Shipbreaking, often overlooked in the colossal maritime industry, is the intricate process of dismantling obsolete vessels to reclaim their materials. This practice holds a dual...

20 Key Items Shipped as Breakbulk

In the vast world of maritime trade, while containerization has become synonymous with efficiency and standardization, there exists a realm where items refuse to be...

The Benefits of Breakbulk over Containerization

While containerization has undeniably revolutionized the shipping industry, offering efficient, standardized, and streamlined shipping solutions, breakbulk remains indispensable in certain scenarios. Despite the prevalence of...

Top 10 Flag States by Fleet Size

The maritime world’s vast expanse operates under a framework where ships often fly the flags of countries different from their ownership base. These ‘flag states’...

The Rise of the Neo-Panamax

The maritime trade industry, with its vast expanse and complexities, has witnessed several transformative moments throughout history. The expansion of the Panama Canal in 2016...