10 Maritime Startups to Watch in 2024

As 2024 unfolds, a new wave of maritime startups is set to transform traditional practices with cutting-edge technologies and forward-thinking solutions. These startups are tackling some of the most pressing challenges in shipping, from autonomous navigation to energy efficiency and digital optimization. This article highlights ten groundbreaking maritime startups that are not only redefining industry standards but also charting the course for the future of global maritime operations. Whether you are a shipowner, fleet manager, or maritime enthusiast, these companies are worth watching as they navigate the path toward a more innovative and sustainable maritime landscape.

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1. Orca AI


  • Founded: 2018
  • Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Website: orca-ai.io
  • Focus: AI-powered maritime safety and navigation solutions.

Mission and Vision

Orca AI aims to revolutionize maritime safety through advanced AI technology, enhancing situational awareness and decision-making capabilities on the bridge. Their vision is to reduce human error and improve navigation safety, ultimately making sea transport more reliable and efficient.

Key Technologies and Products

  • AI Navigation System: Utilizes computer vision and machine learning to provide real-time situational awareness.
  • Collision Avoidance: Advanced algorithms analyze data from multiple sensors to predict and prevent collisions.
  • Voyage Insights: Offers actionable insights and analytics to optimize route planning and fuel efficiency.

Notable Features

  • Smart Cameras: High-resolution cameras with night vision capabilities for 24/7 monitoring.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Immediate notifications for potential hazards or navigational anomalies.
  • Data Integration: Seamless integration with existing ship systems, including ECDIS and AIS.

Industry Impact

  • Safety Enhancement: Reduces the risk of accidents by providing a second layer of oversight and decision support.
  • Cost Savings: Improves fuel efficiency and reduces operational costs through optimized routing.
  • Compliance: Helps ships meet increasing regulatory requirements for safety and environmental protection.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Maran Gas Maritime Inc., NYK Line
  • Collaborations: Partnered with shipping companies and research institutions to test and refine their technology.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Venture capital firms and maritime industry stakeholders.
  • Growth: Expanded rapidly across major shipping routes and secured significant partnerships with global shipping companies.

Future Prospects

Orca AI is positioned to lead the maritime industry towards a safer and more efficient future through continuous innovation in AI and machine learning.

2. Greywing


  • Founded: 2019
  • Location: Singapore
  • Website: grey-wing.com
  • Focus: Digital solutions for crew changes and logistics management using data analytics.

Mission and Vision

Greywing is dedicated to simplifying crew change operations and logistics management in the maritime sector. Their vision is to provide seamless, data-driven solutions that enhance operational efficiency and reduce logistical complexities.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Crew Change Platform: Automates the process of scheduling, coordinating, and managing crew changes.
  • Logistics Management: Integrates with various data sources to provide real-time updates on travel restrictions, port regulations, and crew availability.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Offers insights into crew movements, operational bottlenecks, and cost management.

Notable Features

  • Real-Time Data: Uses AI to analyze real-time data from multiple sources, including port authorities and airlines.
  • Automated Alerts: Provides automatic updates and alerts on changes in travel restrictions or crew availability.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive dashboard for easy management of crew logistics.

Industry Impact

  • Operational Efficiency: Reduces the complexity of crew changes, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Cost Reduction: Minimizes expenses related to crew changes by optimizing logistics and reducing delays.
  • Compliance: Helps companies stay compliant with international maritime regulations and port requirements.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Maersk, Inchcape Shipping Services
  • Collaborations: Works with major shipping lines and logistics companies to streamline crew change operations.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Backed by venture capital firms with a focus on maritime innovation.
  • Growth: Quickly became a key player in the maritime logistics space, expanding their platform’s capabilities and user base.

Future Prospects

Greywing is poised to expand its influence in the maritime industry, with plans to further enhance its platform and explore new markets and partnerships.

3. PortXchange


  • Founded: 2019
  • Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Website: port-xchange.com
  • Focus: Port call optimization and digital solutions for maritime operations.

Mission and Vision

PortXchange aims to optimize port call processes through digital innovation, reducing turnaround times and improving efficiency. Their vision is to create smarter ports and more efficient shipping operations through integrated digital platforms.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Port Call Optimization Platform: Digitizes and optimizes the port call process, coordinating vessel, port, and service provider activities.
  • Just-In-Time Arrival: Features tools to optimize the timing of arrivals and departures, reducing waiting times and fuel consumption.
  • Data Sharing and Analytics: Facilitates secure data sharing between stakeholders and provides analytics for performance improvement.

Notable Features

  • Integrated Scheduling: Real-time scheduling and coordination of port services and ship operations.
  • Predictive Analytics: Uses historical and real-time data to forecast and optimize port activities.
  • API Integration: Easily integrates with existing systems used by ports and shipping companies.

Industry Impact

  • Efficiency Gains: Streamlines port operations, reducing idle times and improving throughput.
  • Environmental Benefits: Reduces emissions by minimizing time ships spend idling and optimizing fuel use.
  • Stakeholder Coordination: Enhances collaboration and communication among all parties involved in the port call process.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Port of Rotterdam, Shell
  • Collaborations: Partners with ports, shipping companies, and technology providers to enhance port call efficiency.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Funded by maritime and logistics-focused venture capital firms.
  • Growth: Rapid adoption by major ports and shipping companies, with ongoing development of new features and services.

Future Prospects

PortXchange is expected to expand its platform’s capabilities and reach, contributing to the digital transformation of port operations and maritime logistics.

4. Spinergie


  • Founded: 2016
  • Location: Paris, France
  • Website: spinergie.com
  • Focus: Real-time data and analytics for fleet performance management and decarbonization.

Mission and Vision

Spinergie aims to transform fleet management by leveraging real-time data and advanced analytics. Their vision is to provide shipping companies with actionable insights to enhance operational efficiency and achieve decarbonization goals.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Fleet Performance Platform: Integrates data from various ship systems to monitor and analyze vessel performance in real-time.
  • Decarbonization Tools: Provides tools for monitoring and reducing CO2 emissions through efficient fuel use and operational practices.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Uses data analytics to predict maintenance needs and prevent unplanned downtime.

Notable Features

  • Comprehensive Data Integration: Gathers data from sensors, logbooks, and third-party sources for a holistic view of fleet operations.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Offers customizable dashboards to visualize key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends.
  • Automated Reports: Generates automated reports for compliance, performance reviews, and optimization strategies.

Industry Impact

  • Operational Efficiency: Enhances fleet performance by identifying inefficiencies and optimizing fuel consumption.
  • Environmental Compliance: Helps shipping companies meet stringent environmental regulations by tracking and reducing emissions.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces operational costs through improved maintenance planning and fuel efficiency.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Subsea 7, Maersk Supply Service
  • Collaborations: Partners with maritime technology providers and research institutions to enhance its platform’s capabilities.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Supported by venture capital firms with a focus on maritime technology and sustainability.
  • Growth: Expanded its client base to include major shipping companies and continued to develop new features for its platform.

5. CargoMate


  • Founded: 2018
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Website: cargomate.co.uk
  • Focus: Port call optimization and real-time data solutions for shipping companies.

Mission and Vision

CargoMate aims to revolutionize the way shipping companies handle port calls through real-time data and predictive analytics. Their vision is to minimize delays and inefficiencies in port operations, leading to significant cost savings and improved turnaround times.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Port Call Management Platform: Provides tools for planning and managing port calls, including berth scheduling and service coordination.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Offers real-time tracking of vessel movements and port activities to enhance situational awareness.
  • Predictive Analytics: Uses data analytics to predict potential delays and optimize port call operations.

Notable Features

  • Dynamic ETA Updates: Continuously updates estimated time of arrival (ETA) based on real-time data from various sources.
  • Collaborative Tools: Facilitates communication and coordination between shipping companies, port authorities, and service providers.
  • Compliance Tools: Helps ensure compliance with port regulations and environmental standards through integrated monitoring.

Industry Impact

  • Reduced Delays: Minimizes delays and waiting times by optimizing port call processes.
  • Cost Efficiency: Lowers operational costs through efficient port call planning and reduced fuel consumption.
  • Enhanced Coordination: Improves coordination among stakeholders, leading to smoother and more predictable port operations.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Collaborates with major shipping lines and ports to implement its solutions and optimize port call efficiency.
  • Collaborations: Works with technology partners to enhance its platform’s capabilities and expand its service offerings.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Funded by maritime-focused venture capital firms.
  • Growth: Gained traction with key players in the shipping industry, leading to rapid adoption of its platform.

Future Prospects

CargoMate aims to expand its platform’s functionality and reach, continuing to innovate in port call optimization and delivering significant value to its clients.

6. Seaber.io


  • Founded: 2019
  • Location: Helsinki, Finland
  • Website: seaber.io
  • Focus: Voyage optimization and fleet scheduling for bulk and breakbulk shipping.

Mission and Vision

Seaber.io is dedicated to improving the efficiency of bulk and breakbulk shipping through innovative digital solutions. Their vision is to provide comprehensive voyage planning and scheduling tools that reduce costs, enhance operational efficiency, and minimize environmental impact.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Voyage Planning Platform: Offers tools for planning and optimizing voyages, including route selection and cargo scheduling.
  • Fleet Scheduling: Provides fleet scheduling solutions that optimize the use of vessels and reduce idle time.
  • Data Analytics: Uses data analytics to provide insights into voyage performance and identify opportunities for improvement.

Notable Features

  • Automated Scheduling: Automates the scheduling process to optimize vessel utilization and reduce waiting times.
  • Route Optimization: Recommends optimal routes based on weather, traffic, and fuel efficiency considerations.
  • Integrated Communication: Facilitates communication between shipping companies, charterers, and agents to coordinate voyages effectively.

Industry Impact

  • Operational Efficiency: Enhances voyage planning and scheduling, leading to more efficient use of vessels and resources.
  • Cost Reduction: Reduces costs associated with delays, suboptimal routing, and inefficient scheduling.
  • Environmental Benefits: Minimizes emissions through optimized routing and reduced idle time.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Works with bulk and breakbulk shipping companies to implement its solutions and optimize their operations.
  • Collaborations: Partners with maritime technology providers to enhance its platform’s capabilities and expand its offerings.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Supported by venture capital firms specializing in maritime and logistics technology.
  • Growth: Rapidly gained traction in the bulk shipping sector, with a growing client base and ongoing platform development.

Future Prospects

Seaber.io plans to expand its platform’s features and capabilities, aiming to become a leading provider of digital solutions for voyage planning and fleet scheduling in the maritime industry.

7. Yxney Maritime


  • Founded: 2017
  • Location: Sandnes, Norway
  • Website: yxney.com
  • Focus: Energy efficiency and sustainability solutions for the maritime industry.

Mission and Vision

Yxney Maritime is committed to advancing the sustainability of maritime operations by providing innovative solutions for energy efficiency and emissions reduction. Their vision is to lead the maritime industry towards a greener future by enabling ships to operate more sustainably and efficiently.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Maress Platform: A cloud-based platform for monitoring and optimizing energy consumption and emissions on vessels.
  • Emission Tracking: Tools to track and report CO2, NOx, and SOx emissions in real-time.
  • Efficiency Analytics: Advanced analytics to identify areas for fuel savings and operational improvements.

Notable Features

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Provides continuous monitoring of fuel consumption and emissions, offering insights for immediate action.
  • Benchmarking Tools: Allows comparison of vessel performance against industry standards and best practices.
  • Actionable Insights: Generates recommendations for improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions based on data analysis.

Industry Impact

  • Fuel Savings: Helps shipping companies save on fuel costs by identifying inefficiencies and optimizing operations.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Assists in meeting international regulations on emissions and environmental performance.
  • Sustainability Goals: Supports maritime companies in achieving their sustainability targets through data-driven solutions.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Includes offshore and maritime companies like Equinor, DOF, and Siem Offshore.
  • Collaborations: Partners with maritime technology firms and research institutions to enhance its platform’s capabilities.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Backed by venture capital firms focused on green technology and sustainability.
  • Growth: Expanded rapidly by integrating its platform with leading shipping companies and continuously adding new features.

Future Prospects

Yxney Maritime is expected to play a crucial role in the industry’s shift towards greener practices, with plans to develop new features and expand its client base globally.

8. ZeroNorth


  • Founded: 2020
  • Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Website: zeronorth.com
  • Focus: Voyage optimization and carbon reduction solutions for the maritime industry.

Mission and Vision

ZeroNorth aims to enhance the efficiency of maritime operations and reduce the carbon footprint of shipping through advanced digital solutions. Their vision is to enable a sustainable future for maritime transport by optimizing voyages and improving fuel efficiency.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Optimized Fleet Platform: A digital platform that uses AI and machine learning to optimize voyages and reduce fuel consumption.
  • Carbon Reduction Tools: Provides tools to measure, monitor, and reduce CO2 emissions from shipping operations.
  • Voyage Optimization: Features algorithms that recommend optimal speed and routing based on weather, fuel prices, and traffic conditions.

Notable Features

  • AI-Powered Analytics: Uses AI to analyze voyage data and provide recommendations for optimal routing and speed adjustments.
  • Emissions Monitoring: Tracks emissions in real-time, providing insights and reports for compliance and sustainability goals.
  • Integration Capabilities: Easily integrates with existing ship management systems and data sources for seamless operations.

Industry Impact

  • Operational Efficiency: Improves fuel efficiency and voyage planning, leading to cost savings and reduced emissions.
  • Environmental Compliance: Helps shipping companies meet regulatory requirements and align with global environmental standards.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Empowers maritime operators with data-driven insights to make informed decisions on voyage management.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Works with major shipping companies and fleet operators to implement its solutions.
  • Collaborations: Partners with maritime organizations and technology providers to expand its platform’s functionalities.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Supported by venture capital firms and strategic partners in the maritime industry.
  • Growth: Achieved significant growth by securing partnerships with leading maritime operators and continuously developing its platform.

Future Prospects

ZeroNorth is set to expand its reach and impact by further enhancing its AI-driven platform and exploring new opportunities for voyage optimization and carbon reduction in the maritime sector.

9. Captain AI


  • Founded: 2018
  • Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Website: captainai.com
  • Focus: Autonomous navigation and maritime AI applications.

Mission and Vision

Captain AI is dedicated to advancing autonomous navigation technology for the maritime industry. Their vision is to enhance safety and efficiency in maritime operations through AI-driven solutions that enable vessels to navigate autonomously.

Key Technologies and Products

  • Autonomous Navigation Software: AI-based software that enables vessels to navigate autonomously, avoiding obstacles and optimizing routes.
  • Situational Awareness Systems: Uses computer vision and machine learning to provide real-time awareness of the vessel’s surroundings.
  • Simulation Platform: A digital platform for testing and training autonomous navigation systems in a virtual environment.

Notable Features

  • AI-Based Decision Making: Utilizes AI to make real-time navigational decisions based on environmental data and sensor inputs.
  • Obstacle Detection and Avoidance: Incorporates advanced algorithms for detecting and avoiding obstacles, both stationary and moving.
  • Simulation Tools: Provides a realistic simulation environment for developing and testing autonomous navigation systems.

Industry Impact

  • Safety Enhancements: Improves navigational safety by reducing the likelihood of human error and enabling continuous monitoring.
  • Operational Efficiency: Optimizes routes and fuel consumption through precise, AI-driven navigation.
  • Innovation in Training: Offers a simulation platform that accelerates the development and training of autonomous navigation technologies.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Includes shipping companies, port authorities, and maritime training institutions.
  • Collaborations: Partners with maritime technology firms and academic institutions to enhance its autonomous navigation capabilities.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Supported by venture capital firms with a focus on AI and maritime technology.
  • Growth: Expanded its market presence by integrating its solutions with major shipping companies and continuing to develop new AI applications.

Future Prospects

Captain AI is set to further revolutionize maritime navigation with continuous advancements in autonomous technology, aiming to expand its applications to a wider range of vessels and operational scenarios.

10. Kanda


  • Founded: 2018
  • Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Website: kanda.dk
  • Focus: Virtual reality (VR) training solutions for the maritime industry.

Mission and Vision

Kanda is committed to transforming maritime training through immersive virtual reality experiences. Their vision is to provide effective, engaging, and scalable training solutions that improve safety and operational proficiency for maritime professionals.

Key Technologies and Products

  • VR Training Platform: A platform that offers immersive VR training modules for various maritime operations and safety procedures.
  • Customized Training Solutions: Provides tailored VR training programs based on specific needs of shipping companies and maritime institutions.
  • Realistic Simulations: Creates realistic virtual environments that mimic actual maritime scenarios for effective hands-on training.

Notable Features

  • Immersive Learning: Uses VR to create highly immersive training experiences that enhance retention and understanding.
  • Interactive Scenarios: Offers interactive training scenarios that allow users to practice and refine their skills in a safe, controlled environment.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Provides real-time feedback and performance assessments to help trainees improve their skills.

Industry Impact

  • Enhanced Training Efficiency: Improves the efficiency of training programs by offering scalable and repeatable training sessions.
  • Safety Improvements: Enhances safety by allowing maritime professionals to practice emergency procedures and complex operations in a risk-free environment.
  • Cost Reduction: Reduces the costs associated with traditional training methods by minimizing the need for physical equipment and training facilities.

Clients and Collaborations

  • Clients: Works with maritime training institutions, shipping companies, and port authorities.
  • Collaborations: Partners with maritime technology providers and educational institutions to develop and deploy advanced VR training solutions.

Funding and Growth

  • Investors: Supported by venture capital firms and industry stakeholders focused on training and simulation technologies.
  • Growth: Rapidly adopted by leading maritime training centers and companies, with ongoing development of new training modules and features.

Future Prospects

Kanda aims to expand its VR training offerings to cover a broader range of maritime operations and scenarios, continuing to enhance the quality and effectiveness of maritime training through cutting-edge virtual reality technology.