Blueye Robotics Review

Blueye underwater drones incredibly cool, combining cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design. These drones offer high-definition imaging, impressive depth capabilities, and advanced features like remote control and sonar integration. Ideal for ship owners, they streamline underwater inspections, enhancing safety and efficiency while reducing costs. Their robust build, long battery life, and easy maneuverability make them a versatile tool for a range of underwater tasks, from hull inspections to environmental monitoring. Blueye drones truly revolutionize underwater exploration and maintenance.

Here are some things we like,

  1. Cost-Effective: Low end models priced extremely competitively at around 5k and the higher end models also very competitive at 30-50k.
  2. Efficiency: Capable of quick and efficient underwater inspections, reducing the need for divers and minimizing downtime.
  3. Durability and Depth: Operates at depths up to 305 meters (1000 feet), suitable for various underwater tasks.
  4. Versatility: Equipped with a mechanical tilt camera, live streaming options, and compatibility with tools like Microsoft Teams for remote inspections.
  5. Support and Service: Comprehensive customer support and a self-serviceable design ensure reliability and ease of maintenance.
  6. High-Quality Imaging: Provides clear, high-definition video and still images for detailed inspections.
  7. Scalability: Can be used for a variety of underwater tasks, from hull inspections to environmental monitoring.
  8. Ease of Use: Plug-and-play capabilities, making it simple to deploy and operate without extensive training.
  9. Safety: Enhances safety by eliminating the need for human divers in potentially hazardous conditions.
  10. Advanced Features: Offers features like sonar integration and powerful thrusters for stable and precise maneuvering.
  11. Mobility: Compact and portable design, allowing for easy transportation and deployment from various vessels. Can be deployed in undder 2 minutes.
  12. Extended Battery Life: Provides long operation times up to 5 hours, ensuring comprehensive inspections without frequent recharging.
  13. Remote Control: Can be operated remotely, enabling inspections from safe distances and difficult-to-reach areas.
  14. Data Integration: Facilitates data collection and integration with existing ship management systems for enhanced decision-making.
  15. Customizability: Allows for the addition of specialized sensors and tools to meet specific inspection needs.

You can contact Blueye using the form here.

Blueye Robotics: Pioneering the Future of Underwater Exploration

Founded in 2015 in the historic maritime city of Trondheim, Norway, Blueye Robotics embarked on a mission to revolutionize underwater exploration through advanced technology accessible to professionals and amateurs alike. At its core, Blueye combines Norway’s strong maritime heritage with cutting-edge technological innovation to create underwater drones that are not only powerful but also user-friendly and efficient.

Blueye Vision

The genesis of Blueye Robotics can be traced back to the vision of its founders, who saw the vast potential of the ocean and the limitations in exploring its depths. They recognized the need for tools that could withstand the harsh underwater environment while delivering clear, high-quality visual data. This led to the development of the Blueye Pioneer, the company’s first underwater drone. Designed to dive up to 150 meters (approximately 500 feet), the Pioneer set a new standard for underwater drones with its robust functionality and ease of use.

Blueye’s drones are equipped with high-definition cameras and strong LED lights, ensuring that even in the dark depths of the ocean, the images and videos captured are clear and detailed. This capability has proven invaluable for a wide range of applications, from scientific research and environmental monitoring to infrastructure inspection and maritime operations.

Key Features

One of the key features that set Blueye drones apart is their user-friendly interface. The drones can be controlled via a smartphone or tablet, making underwater exploration accessible to a broader audience. This ease of use combined with the high-quality visual data it provides has made Blueye a favorite among marine biologists, environmentalists, and even amateur ocean explorers.

As Blueye Robotics has grown, it has continued to innovate, expanding its product line to meet diverse needs. The company has introduced newer models, such as the Blueye X3, which comes equipped with multiple camera options and can reach depths of up to 1000 feet. Each new model reflects Blueye’s commitment to improving and refining its technology to better serve its users.


Blueye Robotics has also focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company aims to provide tools that not only aid in ocean exploration but also contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems. By enabling more frequent and less intrusive inspections of underwater infrastructure and natural habitats, Blueye drones help monitor the health of the ocean and identify potential environmental threats.

Today, Blueye Robotics stands as a leader in the field of underwater drone technology, known for its innovation, quality, and dedication to making the underwater world more accessible. The company continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in underwater exploration, driven by a vision of a world where the depths of our oceans are as familiar and accessible as the land and our shores. Through their efforts, Blueye aims not only to explore the mysteries of the ocean but to protect them for future generations.

For more information please visit the Blueye Robotics official website.